We’re more than happy to take referrals directly from parents and carers, and with a network of schools and homes across the UK, we’re able to identify the right setting for each individual child or young person.
However, most of our admissions are taken through consultations from Local Authorities, so parents and carers are advised to talk first with the SENCo at their child’s current place of education, before referring to the Local Authority where decisions for referral will be made through the placement process. Admissions through the Local Authority are dealt with by our Admissions Manager – Lisa Attwood and enquiries should be sent direct to Lisa Attwood via email lisa.attwood@ofgl.uk
For admission children and young people:
- Will be aged between 8-18 years
- Will be referred by the relevant local authority
- Will most likely have a statement of special educational need or education and health care plan (or will be under assessment)
- May have social, emotional, mental health, or behavioural difficulties
- May have autistic spectrum conditions
- May have specific learning difficulties such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia
- Will benefit from the schools therapeutic input
If you’d like to make a referral or you simply want to know more, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
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